Escape Rope, Pocket Monsters Collection


Escape Rope
Wondrous Item
This enchanted hempen rope is 30 feet long and can be cut in half at a small black, wax ring at its centre.

Cut the rope in half and place one half at the entrance to a dungeon, carrying the other half with you. As an action, place your half of the rope on the floor and speak the command word. The end of the rope will rise into the air until the whole rope hangs perpindicular to the ground. 10 feet up the rope, an invisible entrance opens to an extradimensional space that lasts until it is deactivated, or for one hour. Meanwhile, a similar extradimensional portal opens beneath the other half of the rope previously laid at the dungeon entrance. 5 feet of this rope rises in the air, while the remaining 10 drops into the hole.

This extradimensional space is a 15-foot cube, with your upper 5 feet of rope travelling through its centre reconnected to the 10 feet that is hanging from a hole in its ceiling. The black wax seal reseals as the two ends of the rope fuse. You may climb this rope, passing up through the space, back to the entrance of the dungeon.

Attacks and spells can’t cross through the entrances into or out of the extradimensional space, but those inside can see out of it as if through a 3-foot-by-5-foot window centered on either rope.

When the escape rope is deactivated, anything remaining inside the extradimensional space drops out the bottom and the rope springs out of the top hole. However the black wax melts off as it passes back into reality. At this point, the escape rope is once again a normal hempen rope of 30-foot length.